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A spiritual Messenger arrives.

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 12:41 am
by Magumi The Noble
*The tiny spirit of competiton slithered in to the presence it had been told to seek out. A crystal vial stoppered and inscribed with runes clutched gingerly in its sharp claws. It hovered before the being it was to seek and then one tiny claw removed the stoppere. From the Vial issued an odd greenish blue fog that took the shape of a slender human or avereage elven female. Her characteristics themselves impossible to see. The smoky figure then spoke in Orcish with a heavy Thelassian accent.*

"Greetings to you. I am Lady Magumi The Noble. You may not have heard much of me or you may have. In Either case the relevence is little. I have heard of your organization and watch a few of your gatherings through the eyes of some of my minions. You most likly overlooked them. I have decided that we might mutually benifit eachother. If you would care for me to lend my strength and intellegence to your organization I suggest that we meet. The place can be of your choosing. My Servant will wait to carry back your responce or for one full day."

*The smoke drifs away and the bottle now empty crumbles to a fine silicate powder as teh spirit waits to be given a message or for a day to pass as it slithers in the air near the being it has sought.*