A worn and tattered parchment

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A worn and tattered parchment

Unread post by Awatu »

The parchment appears to have seen better days. Torn, crumpled, stained, covered in several bootprints, and quite possibly burned in a few areas, the letter itself looks like it came from a trash heap. The writing is messy and the grammar is adequate, at best.

"To, the leaders of The Grim,

My name's Bor'ghul Flamespeaker, a Scout of the Horde and a member of The Outriders. I've heard quite a bit about The Grim in my service to the Horde. Most of it was whispered, but I guess some people just ain't got the nuts to talk about some things. Anyways, I'm the kind of person that can appreciate what ya do. When ya stand on the front lines against the Scourge, or the Legion, or the Alliance, or the Elves, or- well, ya get the picture. The facts is, I'm wantin to get into your ranks and see if I'm good enough to call myself Grim. Grimmy. Grimling. Whatever it is I get to call myself, I wanna see if I'm good enough for it.

Well, as far as I can remember, I've been an Orc. Born on Draenor. I was with the Shadowmoon Clan and was trained in the ways of a Warlock as a youngun. Been fighting the Humans, Draenei, and Elves for the longest time, now. Don't really remember too much about times when I wasn't fighting. Anyways, I ain't gonna explain the wars that came after that, as I'm sure you all know how they went. After the mess at Hyjal, I was stationed at a watchtower in The Barrens for a time. Thrilling and exciting job that was. Sometimes it was cloudy, and other times it weren't! So, not long ago I joined The Outriders and I've been traveling around, helping out the Horde wherever my skills are needed. They're a great bunch, but I've become more interested in what The Grim can offer.

So, I write this to the leaders of The Grim for their consideration in presenting me with whatever trials and tests they wish to give me. I eagerly await a response in my residence in Orgrimmar.

Respectfully, Scout Bor'ghul Flamespeaker."
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