A nondescript letter

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A nondescript letter

Unread post by Maluce »

* The letter reads in a clipped, somewhat messy writing scrawl. It seems rushed or written by someone who is unused to the quill.*

I am called Maluce. I needn't mention that I follow no particular clan nor house. My loyalty is first and foremost to my kin, the Forsaken. But I now realize that we must all unite to fight this damnable Alliance and the Lich King's Scourge if my people are to survive. So I will call you friend, if you would allow it, if perhaps only for a time. Who is to know what the future may bring? Seek me if you will have my sword and spells.

* The letter is signed in the same messy handwriting * - Maluce, former servant of the Lich King.
Posts: 1368

Re: A nondescript letter

Unread post by Yichimet »

Yichimet reads the letter and places it down again, for all to read. Another Forsaken, an island to himself, he thinks. We shall see.

(( Make sure you put in an application, too! http://thegrim.org/index.php?option=com ... pic=1224.0 and http://thegrim.org/index.php?option=com ... topic=15.0 and http://thegrim.org/index.php?option=com ... topic=14.0 ))
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