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A small box

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2020 3:04 am
by Josendria
Inside the well appointed box is a tiny vial filled with a shimmery lavendar potion.
There is a small piece of parchment inside of the box.
It is written in an unknown language.

A letter is attached to the box, it goes as follows:

Dear Grim,
While searching for Libram of Focus, going from dungeon to raids, I found this box in the Scarlett Monastery while searching in the library. I noticed a very faint glow on the top shelf of one of the bookshelves. As i am not skilled in the alchemy arts I was going home to my Patron to share my discovery, I was told by messenger that we had been
attacked and all there was destroyed. My Patron was killed defending our humble dwelling

I am requesting sanctuary with The Grim, I want to make the Alliance pay
for the death of my Patron and also to build up my library again.

For the Forsaken