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A Letter that Smelled Vaguely of the Ocean.

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2018 4:38 pm
by Darrethy
The envelope was colored a dark black with a simple blue wax seal in the shape of a serpentine eye, on casual examination there was no immediate source for it's scent. No wear or tear, no wrinkles even, the paper was almost unnaturally smooth with it's texture resisting any pressure applied to it, and almost instantly reforming into it's original shape unless significant damage was done.
It has been a long time since i'v seen the Grim, in this day and age the Eclipse and Sanctuary almost seem to be a distant memory.

War never changes, and neither do I. After the destruction of Lordaeron I have committed myself fully to the Dark Lady and her war effort, the Forsaken always knew this day would come. We did not know when, or how, we did not know who would strike the first blow, but in the aftermath of Stormheim there is little doubt that the Alliance must be dismantled once and for all. For some time now i'v been serving as a priest for the Windrunner Fleet, I plan to go to Darkshore soon to assist with the occupation of Kaldorei land. At least, until Forsaken High Command feels it's time to retake our ancient home.

With the recent changes in Horde leadership and the Forsaken's broader assistance to the greater Horde I feel that I would be best served with an organization that better reflects our aggressive attitude towards the Alliance, and I feel the Grim fits that attitude to the letter.

- Darrethy Voidblade

Re: A Letter that Smelled Vaguely of the Ocean.

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2018 12:23 am
by Qabian
Qabian frowned at the envelope's clearly unnatural qualities, but opted not to test them, simply disposing of the eerie envelope in the basket with the rest of the unwated papers. An ordinary white card is returned to the owner of the signature by way of ordinary goblin post.
Darrethy Voidblade,

Your name is known, but there is considerable knowledge lacking in our records.

I'll be waiting within the Ruins of Alterac in two days time. We can meet and speak then.

~Magister Qabian Grimfire
High Inquisitor of the Grim
((I'll be around evening of Wednesday, December 12th, 6pm server time (9pm EST). If you can't make that time, let me know and we'll arrange something else.))

Re: A Letter that Smelled Vaguely of the Ocean.

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2018 3:42 am
by Darrethy
((Sounds perfect to me, got nothing planned this Wednesday.))