Docmanhatan (Doc'threk Warsorrow) Blood and Honor

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Docmanhatan (Doc'threk Warsorrow) Blood and Honor

Unread post by Docthrek »

To the leaders of The Grim,

I write to you now in times of conflict and opportunity. My name is Doc'threk Warsorrow of the Soulmender clan. I hail from deep within the plains of Nagrand. The purpose of this letter is to request an audience with your high command about the recent activities and exploitations of the Alliance filth plaguing Azeroth.

As a young orc, I was taught that honor comes before all else. An Orc is nothing if there is no honor to be had in victory. This is a trait that the Alliance scum have failed to uphold when they ravaged my village years ago. They slaughtered our livestock, killed our women and children, and took the rest of us as slaves to work in internment camps. I was liberated by an Orc named Thrall (Go'el as he goes by now). He taught me the ways of Shamanic healing, totemic abilities, and the power of Azeroth herself. I aided Go'el in the healing of Azeroth after the Cataclysm. I stood next to him while we defeated Deathwing and mended the wounds of the world. Now, with the sword of a demonic titan beleaguering our world, I feel I must once again aide in the recovery of our world.

As I was making my way to Silithus to assist members of the Earthen Ring, I was set upon by SI:7 spies. I managed to kill one of them swiftly, burning him with bursts of lava and shocking flames. The second wasn't as easy. He struck a wound in my leg, slowing my approach. As I called upon the healing powers of water, he drew down on me, charging rapidly. I was able to entangle him with roots, and after invoking the bloodlust, I turned him into ash with bolts of lightning. Before his death, he boasted the Alliance would capture Silithus and use Azerite for their own machinations of war. He bragged about killing dozens of orcs and tauren who were caught off guard while healing the wound left by the fallen titan. Prior to his death, he gloated that the little lion boy-king has no intention of giving quarter to the members of the Horde trying to heal our world.

I will not stand by idly and let the Alliance destroy our planet. They must by purged of this world. The Alliance needs to be culled, quarantined and exterminated. What is not yet the Horde's, will be.

I have heard tale of The Grim, it's warriors and it's views on Alliance domination and elimination. I seek a meeting with your leader to request my acceptance into your ranks. The Horde is all we have, and I will die cleansing this world of the treacherous Alliance dogs. Praise to our Warchief!
Lok'Tar Ogar!
With Honor and Glorious service to the Horde,
Doc'threk Warsorrow
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Re: Docmanhatan (Doc'threk Warsorrow) Blood and Honor

Unread post by Qabian »

Qabian read over the letter a few times curiously before penning a reply.
If you can find your way to Shadowfang Keep tomorrow evening at the 6th bell, we may speak with you after we gather. Otherwise, perhaps you'll be able to find me on your own.

Magister Qabian Grimfire
High Inquisitor of the Grim
((If you can make 6pm WrA time which is 9pm EST on Friday, Nov. 2nd, we'll be having a meeting then, but I notice your application said you usually play after 11pm EST, so we can arrange another time, that evening or another day if needed. Also, because you're cross-server for now, I can send you my Bnet info for an invitation if that's easiest, or I can meet you on an alt.))
"While our enemies remain, peace is not victory." ~Warchief Sylvanas Windrunner
Posts: 3

Re: Docmanhatan (Doc'threk Warsorrow) Blood and Honor

Unread post by Docthrek »

Doc'threk graciously accepts your offer to meet at Shadowfang Keep at the 6th bell. Praise be to the Warchief!

(( I will set an alarm and peel myself out of bed. Thank you for letting me know!))
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