Trials of the Inquisition

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Trials of the Inquisition

Post by Qabian »

A Supplicant of The Grim has committed themselves to a cause greater than any kingdom. By seeking to fight under the Mandate, they have recognized something to which most in this world are blind – that the path to peace leads through a sea of flame and blood. The Grim are that fire. The Grim are the blade. The Inquisition will determine whether the crucible will turn out one fit to wear our tabard – or worthless slag to be ground underfoot.

Trial of Combat
The Grim do not resolve issues with words, but with action. When the Warchief Thrall first called to the members of the Horde to defend against its threats, The Grim were among the first to answer that call. In every campaign and every conflict since, The Grim have been in the vanguard of the fight. From the beginning, we knew there was only one way to succeed in our battles – to bring peace through annihilation.

In the Trial of Combat, a Supplicant must fight alongside the Grim and prove their skill in battle. Those who already walk with the Mandate will act as judge and jury. If found wanting, they will be cast out. The Supplicant in turn is expected to present what they have learned from observing the actions of the Grim around them.

((OOC: The Grim do not reward inactivity in the game and this Trial is meant to test the player's commitment to the guild's concept of "peace through annihilation" and introduce them to their fellow players and characters. This Trial can be completed through either PvE or PvP content, so long as it is the same level or tier of difficulty as the current level of the character. This can be organized raiding, a simple dungeon run, rated PvP, city attacks, world PvP, even simply questing, as long as other Grim are involved.

Once the character has completed some PvE or PvP content alongside at least one other Grim, they are expected to write a brief IC report on the experience and post it for all to read. Creativity is welcome where the Trial is concerned. Deviating from the 'do content, write report' pattern is fine, as long as the character is seen accomplishing some PvE or PvP content with other Grim members. If you want to try something different and aren't sure if it will work, just ask an Inquisitor.))

Trial of Sacrifice
War is sacrifice. None know this more than The Grim. We do what others are unwilling to do, either because of personal morals, their culture, or their own limits. There are no innocents in battle and no price too dear for victory. To stand among The Grim, a Supplicant must understand that their life apart from the Mandate can rule them no longer.

In the Trial of Sacrifice, a Supplicant must show their willingness to let go of who they once were and to embrace the Mandate as who they are now. What the Supplicant will sacrifice will be left to them – unless their choice of sacrifice is found unworthy of the Mandate, in which case they will be assigned something more fitting. Those wishing to become true Grim must be prepared to give anything and everything, and to know this truth for themselves – "You are Grim or you are nothing."

If the sacrifice is found worthy, the Supplicant will have earned their status as Adherent of the Grim. They will be presented with their tabard and be recognized a true follower of the Mandate. If found unworthy, a Supplicant will be given a more fitting sacrifice to give – a single chance for redemption. Should they fail, they will be cast out.

((OOC: The Trial of Sacrifice is meant to allow the Supplicant player to flex their creative muscle. The in-character words for this Trial are meant to be vague, so you as the player can choose what of value your character is willing to sacrifice to show The Grim that they are committed to the cause. What we are looking for here is the transition of your character's backstory or previous WoW experience to the Grim storyline; while it is up to you to provide the substance and context, it will be the Grim leadership who decide if the character's sacrifice is truly something of worth. We are looking for something creative, but within the confines of game mechanics and good taste.

Finally, it is recommended (and welcomed!) that you speak to the Inquisitors if anything about these Trials is unclear or if you need suggestions/advice on the Inquisition process. These Trials should fit not only your character, but you as a player, and while we want to ensure that our standards are upheld, we also want to make your introduction to the Grim a fun and memorable experience without unnecessary stress or anxiety.

Each trial is to be completed within one month of assignment. Exceptions can be made under appropriate circumstances; speak to an Inquisitor if there are any questions.))
"While our enemies remain, peace is not victory." ~Warchief Sylvanas Windrunner
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