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An Elegant Letter

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2018 4:19 pm
by Athaelos
A letter arrives, it's parchment crisp and refined. The letter is sealed with a red wax, the press decorated with a rose with a single drop falling from a thorn, the sigil of House Crimsonvein of Silvermoon.

One would open the letter to find an immaculately written letter:

The Grim:

I hope this letter finds you well, I am Athaelos Crimsonvein, current Lord of House Crimsonvein, seeking a place among The Grim and to find purpose through your Mandate. I do wish to inform you of my ties to the Illidari, I was trained and served under Illidan until his fall at The Black Temple...and was subsequently captured by the Wardens, only to be released to aide in the fight against the Legion.

Mind you, with Illidan gone, I have found myself...lost, only finding solace in my studies. I'm a Culturalist, you see, however that doesn't stop me from doing what needs to be done for the Horde and its people. I believe that my studies assist the Horde in its path to victory, finding allies in unlikely peoples...but I digress. My original point: Illidan is gone, and I'm seeking a new place among a brotherhood, I hope The Grim can be of assistance.

I do hope we see eye to eye, and I prove to be a value asset you wish to take in.

- Lord Athaelos Crimsonvein

Re: An Elegant Letter

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2018 9:23 pm
by Qabian
Qabian added another letter to his growing collection with a touch of hesitation. At least this one was aesthetically pleasant.
Lord Crimsonvein,

Another with a title? Who gave you that? Illidan? Or did you have it before you gouged your eyes out?

It's not actually relevant. If you wish to fight for the Mandate, the Mandate wishes you to fight. I do wonder what qualms a culturalist used to working with kaldorei will have under the Mandate's expectations, but I certainly won't turn away someone who thinks they can move beyond their past for the sake of the Horde.

If you can, we meet tomorrow in Razor Hill at the 6th bell. We can see to you then. If not, I'll find another time.

Magister Qabian Grimfire
High Inquisitor of the Grim
((Friday, August 31, Razor Hill, 6pm server 9pm EST, War Mode ON. If you can't make it, the timing's bad or notice is too short, let me know and we can arrange something else.))