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A Letter, Scented with Flowers

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 3:54 pm
by Laeynna
How did one ever hear such tales of those with extremist views? Naturally, in the world of Azeroth, it was easily said that all possessed extremist views.

As such it happened, more than once did words of praise and fear alike emanate from back alleys. Not simply the ones of the red and gold city either, but even across the water where the other continent waited. Laeynna had oft tried to keep her ears closed to the frequent gossip and sometimes downright scandalous conversations that had a way of leaking out onto the pathways of the public. Yet it was the praise for those who were called The Grim that had initially captured her and left her in rapt fascination.

What an odd thing to receive praise for. To be grim? She couldn't recall a time in which anyone in her family from days long passed might have considered the word a positive trait. Intrigue was all it took for the botanist to inquire further. As inconspicuously as she could muster, which proved a feat in itself. Upon finding that their cause was less 'grim,' as she would have put it, and for some 'necessary,' she could objectively understand why some shared the views.

I imagine they would have little use for plants and poultices, she thought. But how does one truly know without pursuing?

It seemed to be all she needed to provide parchment with fanciful script to send along her message. Of support, at the very least.


For the Intended,

I have heard good tidings and scorn alike of you and your kin. In the trying times of what is promised to be an inevitably bleak future, I could see how some would think peace to be found at the bottom of teacups and discussions held between political dignitaries. What these so-called dignitaries could lack, however, would be the eyes or the proper background to take note of the enduring of trying times of all people fallen beneath the Horde banners. Naively and foolishly, they should think that a diplomatic truce with our opposition so dear would potentially erase the suffering many of us have held at their hands.

Speaking is easy and words are convenient, while at the same time, capable of being hollow and simply beautiful things to fill the air with. Whereas to take action and to possess the mettle to make decisions that may be truly difficult for most, proves a challenging task. Yet it would seem your cause means to strengthen that.

I confess that I think myself not a strong individual with either combat prowess or that I possess this same headstrong quality that conversations of you exude implication of, it would be remiss of me to not inquire as to how one might support your cause, as even in the face of caution, I cannot deny that a cleaner severing of our opposing faction would ultimately benefit all far more in the long run.

I pray you take my words kindly and with good heart.

L. Emberflame

Re: A Letter, Scented with Flowers

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 9:35 pm
by Qabian
A reply arrives with due haste.
I will take nothing kindly nor with good heart. I and mine have a penchant for being heartless.

However, your desire to strengthen our cause with your support, ardent enough to have you approach us despite your hesitations, suggests a dedication to the Mandate that will not go unnoticed nor unappreciated, and certainly won't be discouraged.

We usually gather weekly to meet those who are interested, but given your eloquence and your misgivings, perhaps you and I should have an extended discussion in the absence of a crowd.

Silvermoon, Farstriders' Square, tomorrow night at the sixth bell.

Magister Qabian Amberlight
High Inquisitor of the Grim
((If you can make Sunday night (19th) at 6pm server 9pm EST, I'll be there. War Mode off for that busy city feel. Let me know if you'd prefer a different time.))

Re: A Letter, Scented with Flowers

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2018 9:41 pm
by Laeynna
(( I'll be there! ))