A letter on Parchment

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A letter on Parchment

Unread post by Rizikki »

To the Grim,

I be Rizikki, a young druid and former witchdoctor-in-training. I heard your name whispered among the Tribe: a force to be reckoned with, an unrelenting swarm of death to the Tribe's enemies. I wish to walk amongst you as I venture out beyond my home in the Echo Isles. I have much to learn, but there be much I can offer in return.

Posts: 158

Re: A letter on Parchment

Unread post by Allison »

[Another note is scrawled on the bottom of this weathered letter.]

It's been a long time. 'Zikki was just a young thing then, trying to hide an elemental connection with another path. That's all done now. I figured things out. If you'll have me again, I'd like to walk the path once more.

Peace through annihilation.

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Re: A letter on Parchment

Unread post by Syreenna »

Seek out an officer.
Alts: Lirsha Deathwhistle & Ayidda
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